Thursday, June 4, 2009

Tutorial One: Ethics and Information Technology.

In todays society we have a choice from many different devices from the technical world and they keep expanding and getting better. For some like me this only includes the basics such as a computer, a cellphone, a digital camera and DVD players. I am starting to realise these objects are a must have being an Occupational Therapist for information gathering and communicating.

The use of devices that take videos and photos have ethical implications that need to be considered. Images that are shown may loose their intended purpose if they are seen by others and could be ill used by others. Issues we need to consider are who should be able to access the images. There need to be informed consent by those in the photos. As Occupational Therapists we need to let our clients know the purpose of the photos, where they will be stored and who will be able to see them.

As technology becomes more predominant in our lives I need to become more willing to learn and teach. There are many advantages to quickly download information, video and take photo's online but we need to be thoughtful of how people feel about their information being shared.

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